> the sensory unit
> mechanism of adaptation of receptor
> touch receptor
> neural pathway for touch
> the dorsal column-medial lemnisal system
> dorsal spinocerebellar tract
> vetral spinocerebellar tract
> pathways for proprioception from da face
> fast pain pathway
> slow pain pathway except significant of slow pain pathway
> adaptation of thermoreceptors
> neural pathways for thermal sensation
> neuraotransmitters of central nervous system
> tectospinal tract (e.g carry what?)
> neural connections of primarymotor area
> mechanism of recovery of spinal reflex activity
> body temperature regulation is spinal patient
> autonomic hyperreflexia in chronic spinal patients
adrenal medulla
Tajuk - tajuk Penting :
1) Pain :pain control,headache,types of pain (cutanous,,visceral.etc,,,,,)
2)stretch reflex:struct,fxn,innervation of ms spindle ,type of stretch reflex,fxn and control of gamma motor nuoron, sk ms tone ,properties of stretch reflex
3)basal gangelia and cerebellum (both of them r very important connection,fxn,disorder)
4)receptors (excitability,adaptation,nuoral coding)
Note: the 4 subjects above are so so so so important you had to study them caerfully ,,shouldnt enter the exam without them
5)synaps( *1)mechanism of post synaptic receptor 2) synaptic inhibition 3)post synaptic potential 4)properties of synaps******)
6)fxn of internuoron (memo this is common question )
7)properties of poly synaptic (somatic spinal reflex)
8)primary sensory somatic area
9)flexion withdrawal reflex
11)vestibular apparatus (very important one)
13)lesion: 1) compare of UMNL& LMNL (important) 2)effect of LMNL 3)effect of UMNL at internal capsule 4)shock stage of copleler transection 5) hemisection
14)1)cortico bulbo spinal tract 2) extra pyramidal tract
15)1ry versus premotor areas (compare)
1)retinal adaptation
2)binuclear vision(important)
3)photoreceptor potential (transduction)
4)aquous humor (important)
6) fxn and structure of iris (important)
7)photo receptor structure and deferences
8)lacrimal apparatus and precorneal tear film
9)light reflex and accomodation
according to special sense (hearing subject) :
1)fxn and structure of middle ear is so important
2)cochlear potential
3)mechanism of hearing
4)encoding of audiotory
5)basilar membrane(structure ,fxn)
(already they delete alot of things so all of topics are included in exams )
1) R.Q (so important)
2)SDA (so important )
3) energy balance
4)heat value of food
5)factors affect basal metabolic rate
Temperature ***
1)mechanism and routes of heat loss AND THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE IS SWEATINGGGGGG
2)regulation of body tempreture
3) fever
4)hypothermia and
5) hyperthermia
6) radiator and insulator system of the skin
7)HYPOTHALAMIC THERMOSTATE RESETTING POINTTTTTT you should write about every thinf and set point and center and fever in it )
Note : hypothalamic thermo sta resetting is very very very important
ENDOCRINE: (every thing :D ) the most important :
1)introduction (control and mechannism of hormons )
2)thyroid (fxn and control)
3)supra reanal cortex( Gluco corticoids is the most important , adrenal androgen ,mineralo coticoids)
4) hormon regulation ca,phosphate (very important )
5)pitutary hormons released by ant and post and regulation , prolactin,oxytocin,growth hormon (fxn,contol,mechanism,phisyology of growth (every thing),ADH (contol,fxn),,blood glucose level
DIGESTION : Intestine (the most important one )
1) large inetstine (contol ,fxn,defecation,)
2) sulcus interrcus + regulation
3)absorption (general ,individual (cho,fat,iron)
3)motor fxn
4)fecal content (or cycle i cant read wt written but its just one or 2 pages )
stomach :
2)contol and phases of gastric secretion
3)HCL secretion +(gastric blood barrier
4)moto fxn of stomach (gastric emptying you should write here (storage,peristaltic,emptying,motor fxn of fast stomach)
5)motility of fasted stomach
introduction : nervous regulation of GIT fxn ( very important) 2) hormons of GIT ( gastin ,cck ) and inhibition hormons ( somatostatin,secretin,etc,,,,,)
pancreas :control,fxn,phases > liver (bile salt,,fxn of gall bladder )
1)control and phases of salivary ( important)
2) diglution (2nd phase)
3)upper and lower esophageal sphincter
4)mastication (important coz dr hanaa like the pages at the end of each chapter )
3) JGA ( each of them is important and dr say the expected one is GFR coz its long time without this question but we had to study all of them
2)acid bace balance
3) NA reabsorption + diuritics potassiom balance ( Na Or K one of them ) ,,
counter current multiplier system ( you should write counter ,,medullary gradient,,urea cycle,,)
AND THE LAST THING IS MICTURATION is so so important b coz dr hana2 likes the last pages so dr told me to memorize it
1) Pain :pain control,headache,types of pain (cutanous,,visceral.etc,,,,,)
2)stretch reflex:struct,fxn,innervation of ms spindle ,type of stretch reflex,fxn and control of gamma motor nuoron, sk ms tone ,properties of stretch reflex
3)basal gangelia and cerebellum (both of them r very important connection,fxn,disorder)
4)receptors (excitability,adaptation,nuoral coding)
Note: the 4 subjects above are so so so so important you had to study them caerfully ,,shouldnt enter the exam without them
5)synaps( *1)mechanism of post synaptic receptor 2) synaptic inhibition 3)post synaptic potential 4)properties of synaps******)
6)fxn of internuoron (memo this is common question )
7)properties of poly synaptic (somatic spinal reflex)
8)primary sensory somatic area
9)flexion withdrawal reflex
11)vestibular apparatus (very important one)
13)lesion: 1) compare of UMNL& LMNL (important) 2)effect of LMNL 3)effect of UMNL at internal capsule 4)shock stage of copleler transection 5) hemisection
14)1)cortico bulbo spinal tract 2) extra pyramidal tract
15)1ry versus premotor areas (compare)
1)retinal adaptation
2)binuclear vision(important)
3)photoreceptor potential (transduction)
4)aquous humor (important)
6) fxn and structure of iris (important)
7)photo receptor structure and deferences
8)lacrimal apparatus and precorneal tear film
9)light reflex and accomodation
according to special sense (hearing subject) :
1)fxn and structure of middle ear is so important
2)cochlear potential
3)mechanism of hearing
4)encoding of audiotory
5)basilar membrane(structure ,fxn)
(already they delete alot of things so all of topics are included in exams )
1) R.Q (so important)
2)SDA (so important )
3) energy balance
4)heat value of food
5)factors affect basal metabolic rate
Temperature ***
1)mechanism and routes of heat loss AND THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE IS SWEATINGGGGGG
2)regulation of body tempreture
3) fever
4)hypothermia and
5) hyperthermia
6) radiator and insulator system of the skin
7)HYPOTHALAMIC THERMOSTATE RESETTING POINTTTTTT you should write about every thinf and set point and center and fever in it )
Note : hypothalamic thermo sta resetting is very very very important
ENDOCRINE: (every thing :D ) the most important :
1)introduction (control and mechannism of hormons )
2)thyroid (fxn and control)
3)supra reanal cortex( Gluco corticoids is the most important , adrenal androgen ,mineralo coticoids)
4) hormon regulation ca,phosphate (very important )
5)pitutary hormons released by ant and post and regulation , prolactin,oxytocin,growth hormon (fxn,contol,mechanism,phisyology of growth (every thing),ADH (contol,fxn),,blood glucose level
DIGESTION : Intestine (the most important one )
1) large inetstine (contol ,fxn,defecation,)
2) sulcus interrcus + regulation
3)absorption (general ,individual (cho,fat,iron)
3)motor fxn
4)fecal content (or cycle i cant read wt written but its just one or 2 pages )
stomach :
2)contol and phases of gastric secretion
3)HCL secretion +(gastric blood barrier
4)moto fxn of stomach (gastric emptying you should write here (storage,peristaltic,emptying,motor fxn of fast stomach)
5)motility of fasted stomach
introduction : nervous regulation of GIT fxn ( very important) 2) hormons of GIT ( gastin ,cck ) and inhibition hormons ( somatostatin,secretin,etc,,,,,)
pancreas :control,fxn,phases > liver (bile salt,,fxn of gall bladder )
1)control and phases of salivary ( important)
2) diglution (2nd phase)
3)upper and lower esophageal sphincter
4)mastication (important coz dr hanaa like the pages at the end of each chapter )
3) JGA ( each of them is important and dr say the expected one is GFR coz its long time without this question but we had to study all of them
2)acid bace balance
3) NA reabsorption + diuritics potassiom balance ( Na Or K one of them ) ,,
counter current multiplier system ( you should write counter ,,medullary gradient,,urea cycle,,)
AND THE LAST THING IS MICTURATION is so so important b coz dr hana2 likes the last pages so dr told me to memorize it
Wallahualam ...
P.S : Diharapkan kawan - kawan dapat memberi kerjasama terutamanya dalam menyebarkan tajuk - tajuk yang dimansuhkan bagi topik yang lain . AJK Physiology sudah menjalankan tugas mereka dengan baik , dan mereka juga pelajar macam kita . Jadi berbaik sangkalah sesama kita :)
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