Sunday, May 29, 2011


dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pengasih, Maha Penyayang.

Segan bila tangan lagi laju membuka laptop
dari membuka kitab Allah, dari study.
Segan bila mata lagi seronok melihat cerita.
Segan bila kaki lagi cepat untuk ke mall
dari melangkah ke masjid.
Segan bila mulut asyik bercerita
dari berzikir mengingati Allah.
Segan bila telinga lagi seronok mendengar lagu 
yang menyeronokkan jiwa
berbanding mendengar ayat-ayat Allah.

Terasa segan,
bila ditimpa masalah atau musibah,
terus mencari manusia untuk mengadu
bukannya DIA.
Segannya bila ada ujian,
mulut laju merungut, bukannya 
cepat-cepat menenangkan diri dengan kalimah Allah.
Bila dititipkan harapan, 
lebih mengikut kata hati,
lebih menyebelahi kata nafsu,
hanya bila harapan itu pudar baru mencari DIA,
malunya bila rasa dah belakangkan DIA.
Oh, terasa segan.

segan bila hati lagi laju mencari cinta manusia
dari mencari Ilahi.
Segan bila diri diperingatkan tapi masih begitu. 

Segan dengan Dia yang Maha Melihat,
segan dengan Dia yang Maha Mengerti,
segan dengan Dia yang Maha Memahami.
segan dengan Dia yang Maha Pengampun!

Segan dengan dosa yang dilakukan,
terasa bersalah dengan Dia. 
Sedangkan diri tahu, Dia sentiasa ada.
Diri tahu Dia tak pernah tinggalkan hambaNya walau sesaat.
Tapi kenapa diri masih tegar melakukan kesalahan?
Oh, sebab diri ditaraf hamba,
hamba yang sering leka dengan dunia,
memang sering melakukan kesilapan demi kesilapan.
Tapi bukankah Baginda Rasulullah pernah bersabda,

"Mukmin yang beriman tidak akan jatuh ke dalam lubang yang sama dua kali."

Terasa bagaikan ada batu yang menghempap kepala. Sakit.
Ish, dah tahu rupanya begitu. 
Tapi kenapa tidak mahu ambil pengajaran lagi?
Erk. Erm.
Dan terasa segan.

Benar, diri bukanlah maksum bagaikan baginda Rasulullah.
Diri adalah hamba, ditaraf hamba.
Yang dibawah dan yang terhina.
Tapi, kalau diri mengakui beriman
sudah tentu diri akan melakukan kebaikan.
Sudah tentu diri akan sentiasa membetulkan diri.
Sudah tentu diri akan selalu muhasabah diri.

kalau terasa segan, bersyukurlah. 
Hati dan perasaan tengah nak kembali pada yang Hak.
Jiwa masih lagi utuh untuk mengikat kata cinta pada Dia.
Allah sebenarnya tengah bagi peluang
untuk diri bertaubat dan bertaubat lagi.
Gunakan kesempatan yang ada,
kerana diri tidak tahu apakah ini nafas yang terakhir?

tidak mahu dikenali. Segan. =D

nota : meletakkan 'segan' berada di tempatnya. Itu lagi bermakna =(

Ya Rasulullah... layakkah kami menjadi umatmu?

p/s : xrugi luangkan masa tengok video2 ni J

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Model Exam Physiolgy 1st Year

Salam alaik , terlebih dahulu kami ingin memohon maaf sekiranya ada kesulitan dalam mendapatkan sample exam untuk tahun 1 ini . Berharap semua orang dapat bersabar , jangan stress dan saling bersangka baik . :)

Download Di Sini

Monday, May 23, 2011

Soalan Ramalan Physiology

Sumber :

Diharapkan agar tidak berpegang 100% dengan soalan - soalan di bawah kerana ia cuma RAMALAN . Jadikan ia sebagai satu ulangkaji sahaja selepas selesai membaca semua topik :)


CNS : ……..( 35 : 40 marks )
Kidney :….....( 27 : 25 marks)
Endocrine :…. ( 15 : 22 marks) GIT …….:…. ( 15 ….. marks)
Special sense…. ( 15 … marks)
Metabolism …..( 15 … marks)

1- C.N.S

1- adaptation of the receptors .
2- mechanism of the reseptor potential .
3- proprioceptive sensation .
4- significance of cutanouse pain . ( = types , reaction ) .
5- ischemic pain ( cause , character ( same character of deep pain ) .
6- visceral pain ( cause , character , localization ) .
7- refaired pain ( def , character , mech ) .
8- pain control system ( component , mechanism ) .
9- intracranial headache ( sources , stimulation , localization , causes ) .
10- compare ( ) area 312 , area 5.7 ( function , lesion ) .
11- synaptic inhibition .
12- proprites of synaptic transmission ( esp.. post tetanic + long term potentiation )
13- characters of post synaptic potential = EPSP +IPSP .
14- post synaptic reseptors ( ligand gated + G.ptn coupled ) .
15- compare( )1ry + 2ry motor areas( site,representation ,function ,connection, lesion)
16- CBST ( origin ,course , function , division ) .
17- compare ( ) VST +RST .
18- compare ( ) tecto and rebro spinal tracts .
19- function of interneurons .
20- properties of polysynaptic somatic spinal reflexes(esp. recruitment after discharge , reciprocal inhibition ) .
21- flexion withdrawal reflex ( mech , significance , crossed extensor reflex ) …
22- sk . ms . tone ( regulation , function , mechanism ) .
23- supraspinal control of stretch reflex ( = ms tone ) .
24- ms spindle ( def, site, shape, contain , innerv, methods of st., func.= func.of streatch reflex ) .
25- compare ( ) UMNL + LMNL .
26- shock stage of complete transection of spinal cord .
27- recovery stages of complete transection of spinal cord .
28- hemisection of spinal cord .
29- mechanism of stimulation of macula and its function .
30- nstagmus ( def, causes , component , significance ) .
31- thalamic function ( especially : sensory ) .
32- connection and function of basal ganglia .
33- parkinsonism ( def , causes ,manifestation ) .
34- role of cerebellum in regulation of voluntary movement .
35- equilibrium and body posture of regulation of cerebellum .
36- neural connection of cerebellm .
37- ataxia ( def , type, manifestation ) .

2- Kidney

1- factors affecting GFR .
2- structural function of JGA .
3- significance of H secretion and execretion = regulation of H = acid base balance .
4- Na reabsorption in proximal tubule .
5- Na reabsorption in LH , DCT , CD ..
6- absorptive ,secretory function in PT related to Na reabsorption .
7- role of medullary gradient in concentration of urine .
8- role of vasa recta in concentration and ADH in regulation of water balance .
9- diuretics
10- K balance ( regulation + factors affecting ) .
11- micturation ( innervation + abnormalities + role of higer centers ) .


1- mechanism of hormonal action .
2- control of hormonal action .
3- function of thyroid gland .
4- control of thyroid hormones .
5- control and function of glucocoticoids .
6- hormonal regulation of Ca + phosphate levels .
7- physiology of growth = factors affecting growth .
8- function of prolactin hormone and its control .
9- anterior pituitary ( enumerate types of hormones released , control of its release ) .
10- discuss growth hormones ( function , control of release , mechanism of action ) .
11- function of ADH and its regulation .
12- function of oxytocin .
13- action of insulin , glucagon and somatostatin in regulation of blood glucose level 14- regulation of insulin and glucagon secretion .


* ( 1st question is one of the following )

factors affecting RQ and its significan 1-
2- causes ,factors affecting SDA and its significance .
3- energy balance ( def , E input , E output ) .
4- factors affecting BMR
* ( 2nd question is one of the following )
1- discuss the sweating ( sweat (def, composi., mech, active processs , characters) + sweat gland ( histo , types) + effect of aldosteron + its role in regulate body temp. in hot weather ) …………….. ( 10 markes ) ..
2- regulation of body temp.
3- compare ( ) fever , hypothermia , hyperthermia ..
4- skin role as radiator system ..

5- Special Sense

A- Vision

1- binocular vision ( def , requirements , advantages , corresponding retinal points ) .
2- retinal adaptation ( in table compare ( ) dark ,light adaptation ( def,ex, mech. Changes ) ) .
3- steps of phototransduction = mech of vision .
4- secretion of aqueous humour and its function .
5- corneal function , transprancy ( causes , factors ) .
6- photoreceptors ( rods + cones )…..( similarites , differences ) .
7- iris ( function , structure ) ..
8- lacrimal apparatus ( compos , innerv , mech of sec, tears ) .
9- composition pericorneal tear film ..
10- duplicity theory of retinal function ..

B- Hearing

1- function of ossicular system of the middle ear .
2- function of middle ear ms and Eustachian
3- mechanism of hearing ( N.B. so important you must study it as whole ) ..
4- encoding of auditory information ..
5- basilar membrane ( def , structure , function ) N.B you must give short note about
Organ of corti .

6- G . I . T

1- succus entericus ( composition , control , function ) ..
2- mechanism of fecal continence..
3- general mechanism of absorption / OR : CHO , Lipid and ptn reabsorption ..
4- defecation ( mechanism , control ) ..
5- mechanism and phases of gastric secretion ..
6- mechanism of HCL secretion + GMB ..
7- vomitting ..
8- types of gastric motility and its regulation ..
9- nervous regulation of GIT function …
10- compare ( ) >>> ( gastrin , cck , secretin ) ..
11- phases and control of pancreatic juice secretion and its function ..
12- bile salts ( types , function ) ..
13- function of gallbladder ..
14- phases and control of salivation …
15- compare ( ) upper + lower esophageal sphincter ..
16- phases of diglutation …
17- motor function of small intestine .. ( 45 % )

Update : Info Biochemistry

a) marks distibution :
Biological oxidation + xenobiotics 7 marks
Carbohydrate Metabolism 15 marks
Lipid Metabolism 15 marks
General Protein 5 marks
Individual A. A metabolism 12 marks
Minerals 5 marks
Mechanism of Hormonal action 6 marks
Nucleotide 5 marks
Heam metabolism 5 marks

b) discussing some questions from last year exam with addition of those questions :
1- by equation explain reaction consume ammonia and other release ammonia

2- transmethylation reaction and methyl carriers

Update : Psychology Exam

Psychology lecture
canceled topics :
¤ Introduction Including fields of psychology
¤ Methods of studying psycho.
¤ Models of health and illness
¤ Addiction
¤ Smoking
¤ Personality Structure ( know one theory only and the rest is canceled )
¤ Disorders of Attention
¤ Models of attention
¤ Disorders of perception
¤ Physiology of thinking
¤ Disorders of thinking
¤ Biochemistry of sleep

b) Important topics :
¤ stress
¤ intelligence
¤ learning
¤ memory
¤ attention
¤ motivation
¤ thinking
* classification
* tools
¤ sleep
¤ development of motor activity
¤ emotional behaviors
¤ Art of intercommunication

Update : Neuroanatomy ( Tajuk - Tajuk Penting )

Brain Stem ( surfaces) *
(ventral aspect & dorsal Aspect)
cerebellopontine Angle*
*crus cerebri (contents & Relations)
diseases of midbrain*
interpendunclar fossa*
*Compare AICA & PICA & superior cerebellar arteries
*Ventricular system (fourth & third & lateral ventricles)
*choroid plexus
*CSF (volume , Production , circulation & drainage)
*cases of hydrocephalus
*Cortical Areas
Q) Speech (language) Areas : (44, 45, 22, 39, 40)
*cerebellum :
Divisions ( anatomical & longitudinal & functional)
cerebellar peduncles (superior , Middle , inferior)
Q) inferior cerebellar peduncle
Function & lesion of cerebellum
*Arterial supply of :
Medulla , Pons , Cerebellum
*Circulus arteriosus
*Blood supply of brain :
(internal carotid & vertebrobasilar systems)
Each artery : origin , Termination , course and branches
occlusion of Anterior Spinal artery
*Arterial Supply of lateral surface of cerebral hemisphere
*Arterial Supply of medial surface of cerebral hemisphere
*Arterial Supply of inferior surface of cerebral hemisphere
*Arterial Supply of internal capsule
*Arterial Supply of Basal ganglia
*Internal Capsule (Ant limb & genu & Post limb)
posterior limb (important) : Blood supply & fibers content & lesion
*Venous Drainage of Brain :
2 systems ( 3 superficial & 3 Deep viens )
*Cerebral veins
*Nerve Fibers in the CNS :
(commissural , Association , projection )
*Corpus callosum
*Limbic System
(gray matter & nuclei + Fiber Bundles + function)
*Thalamic nuclei and connections
(connections of motor and sensory Nuclei)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Update : Topik Physiology (CNS) Yang Dimansuhkan dan Tajuk Penting Untuk Ulangkaji

antara tajuk2 yg mansuh :

> the sensory unit
> mechanism of adaptation of receptor
> touch receptor
> neural pathway for touch
> the dorsal column-medial lemnisal system
> dorsal spinocerebellar tract
> vetral spinocerebellar tract
> pathways for proprioception from da face
> fast pain pathway
> slow pain pathway except significant of slow pain pathway
> adaptation of thermoreceptors
> neural pathways for thermal sensation
> neuraotransmitters of central nervous system
> tectospinal tract (e.g carry what?)
> neural connections of primarymotor area
> mechanism of recovery of spinal reflex activity
> body temperature regulation is spinal patient
> autonomic hyperreflexia in chronic spinal patients
adrenal medulla

Tajuk - tajuk Penting :

1) Pain :pain control,headache,types of pain (cutanous,,visceral.etc,,,,,)
2)stretch reflex:struct,fxn,innervation of ms spindle ,type of stretch reflex,fxn and control of gamma motor nuoron, sk ms tone ,properties of stretch reflex
3)basal gangelia and cerebellum (both of them r very important connection,fxn,disorder)
4)receptors (excitability,adaptation,nuoral coding)
Note: the 4 subjects above are so so so so important you had to study them caerfully ,,shouldnt enter the exam without them
5)synaps( *1)mechanism of post synaptic receptor 2) synaptic inhibition 3)post synaptic potential 4)properties of synaps******)
6)fxn of internuoron (memo this is common question )
7)properties of poly synaptic (somatic spinal reflex)
8)primary sensory somatic area
9)flexion withdrawal reflex

11)vestibular apparatus (very important one)
13)lesion: 1) compare of UMNL& LMNL (important) 2)effect of LMNL 3)effect of UMNL at internal capsule 4)shock stage of copleler transection 5) hemisection
14)1)cortico bulbo spinal tract 2) extra pyramidal tract
15)1ry versus premotor areas (compare)

1)retinal adaptation
2)binuclear vision(important)
3)photoreceptor potential (transduction)
4)aquous humor (important)
6) fxn and structure of iris (important)
7)photo receptor structure and deferences
8)lacrimal apparatus and precorneal tear film
9)light reflex and accomodation

according to special sense (hearing subject) :
1)fxn and structure of middle ear is so important
2)cochlear potential

3)mechanism of hearing
4)encoding of audiotory
5)basilar membrane(structure ,fxn)

(already they delete alot of things so all of topics are included in exams )
1) R.Q (so important)
2)SDA (so important )
3) energy balance
4)heat value of food
5)factors affect basal metabolic rate

Temperature ***
1)mechanism and routes of heat loss AND THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE IS SWEATINGGGGGG
2)regulation of body tempreture
3) fever
4)hypothermia and
5) hyperthermia
6) radiator and insulator system of the skin
7)HYPOTHALAMIC THERMOSTATE RESETTING POINTTTTTT you should write about every thinf and set point and center and fever in it )

Note : hypothalamic thermo sta resetting is very very very important

ENDOCRINE: (every thing :D ) the most important :
1)introduction (control and mechannism of hormons )
2)thyroid (fxn and control)
3)supra reanal cortex( Gluco corticoids is the most important , adrenal androgen ,mineralo coticoids)
4) hormon regulation ca,phosphate (very important )
5)pitutary hormons released by ant and post and regulation , prolactin,oxytocin,growth hormon (fxn,contol,mechanism,phisyology of growth (every thing),ADH (contol,fxn),,blood glucose level

DIGESTION : Intestine (the most important one )
1) large inetstine (contol ,fxn,defecation,)
2) sulcus interrcus + regulation
3)absorption (general ,individual (cho,fat,iron)
3)motor fxn
4)fecal content (or cycle i cant read wt written but its just one or 2 pages )

stomach :
2)contol and phases of gastric secretion
3)HCL secretion +(gastric blood barrier
4)moto fxn of stomach (gastric emptying you should write here (storage,peristaltic,emptying,motor fxn of fast stomach)
5)motility of fasted stomach

introduction : nervous regulation of GIT fxn ( very important) 2) hormons of GIT ( gastin ,cck ) and inhibition hormons ( somatostatin,secretin,etc,,,,,)

pancreas :control,fxn,phases > liver (bile salt,,fxn of gall bladder )

1)control and phases of salivary ( important)
2) diglution (2nd phase)
3)upper and lower esophageal sphincter
4)mastication (important coz dr hanaa like the pages at the end of each chapter )

3) JGA ( each of them is important and dr say the expected one is GFR coz its long time without this question but we had to study all of them
2)acid bace balance
3) NA reabsorption + diuritics potassiom balance ( Na Or K one of them ) ,,
counter current multiplier system ( you should write counter ,,medullary gradient,,urea cycle,,)
AND THE LAST THING IS MICTURATION is so so important b coz dr hana2 likes the last pages so dr told me to memorize it

Wallahualam ...

P.S : Diharapkan kawan - kawan dapat memberi kerjasama terutamanya dalam menyebarkan tajuk - tajuk yang dimansuhkan bagi topik yang lain . AJK Physiology sudah menjalankan tugas mereka dengan baik , dan mereka juga pelajar macam kita . Jadi berbaik sangkalah sesama kita :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

[Exam Fever Campaign] Solat Sunat Hifzi

Kaifiat/kaedah Solat Sunat Hifzi :
  • Dilakukan dengan 4 rakaat dengan 2 salam yang memisahkan antara kedua-duanya.
  • Sebaik-baiknya dilakukan selepas bangun dari tidur.
  • Dikerjakan sebanyak 3,5 atau 7 malam Jumaat berturut-turut.
  • Dibaca pada rakaat pertama Surah Al Fatihah dan Surah Yasin.
  • Kemudian diikuti rakaat yang kedua dengan membaca Al Fatihah dan Surah Ad Dukhan.
  • Seterusnya pada rakaat ketiga dengan membaca Al Fatihah dan Surah As Sajadah.
  • Pada rakaat yang terakhir iaitu rakaat yang keempat dengan membaca Surah Al Fatihah dan Surah Al Mulk.
  • Membaca doa Solat Sunat Hifzi setelah selesai salam.
Bersempena dengan imtihan, antara objektif pelaksanaan Solat Sunat Hifzi :
  • Memelihara peti simpanan pembacaan, pemahaman, pengetahuan dan penghafalan yang telah dibuat.
  • Melindungi ilmu melalui hafalan ayat Al Quran dan Sunnah daripada hilang begitu sahaja.
  • Memagari seluruh panca indera dan anggota badan dari melakukan perkara kemaksiatan terhadap Allah S.W.T.
  • Memberikan kekuatan menggantungkan harapan kepada Allah S.W.T atas usaha-usaha yang telah dilakukan.
  • Melahirkan sifat sabar dan mujahadah untuk menjaga ilmu Allah S.W.T yang telah dikuasai dengan sebaik-baiknya.

*Minta kerjasama Ikhwah dan Akhawat yang akan hadir untuk menjadi Musyrif dan ber-Musyrif.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Solat Hajat & Bacaan Yassin Akhowat Batch 09/10

p/s : dari AJK Kebajikan Wan Munirah Wan Isa, sape yang nak melangsaikan duit kelas boleh bawak duit masa majlis ni...

Tutor Anatomy~Khamis Ini...

Salam. Memandangkan study leave kita panjang, jadi Dr. Mus3ab dengan ikhlas nya nak mengajar kita..

Hari ; Khamis - 19 May 2011
Tempat ; Bilik presentation.
Masa ; 9.15 a.m
Tajuk ; Neuroanatomy - Internal structures of brainstem.

Harap maklum, terima kasih.

Berjaya dalam keredhaanNya matlamat kite :)

Sumber : RAR dan Asyraf Hafiz

stay update with us! 


Update 15/5/2011 : INFO KINI ! PHYSIOLOGY

~ format exam 1st year : seperti yg ditunjukkan dr.khaled (format baru :short esei,structure)

~ format exam 2nd year : tiada perubahan, masih sama

~ silibus yg dibuang 1st year & 2nd year : hanya senarai yg diberi ketika 2nd term SAHAJA yang CONFIRM dibuang . tiada sebarang penambahan tajuk lain dibuang selain dari list tersebut. 

~ dinasihatkan study important Q atau soalan2 dalam buku MCQ (belakang every topic) * very important untuk biasakan diri dengan soalan.

sumber : Siti Fatimah Mohd Zaim Bin Zakaria

stay update with us! 


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bulletin:Congratulations Fareez and Husna

Congratulations Fareez and Husna for the arrival of your baby girl,Nik Rufaidah Ar Raudhoh binti Nik Fareez! the cute and healthy baby girl weighted 2.3 kg was born on Wednesday,27 April 2011/23 Jamadil Awwal 1432H.This is the third baby after the birth of their 2 other daughters.Today,a group of girls representatives from our class visited the family at their home in Utubis Gadid, following the boys’ visit yesterday.As the welfare bureau, Wan Munirah Wan Isa gave some contribution on behalf of the class.To Fareez and Husna,the joys you are about to experience will warm your hearts. May success will be ours,InsyaAllah..

laporan wswa.