Thursday, October 4, 2012

format commed

Format Commed :

1- log book completion ... 6 marks

2- continouous assess ... 14 marks   في خلال الراوند

3- multi ststion exam ... 10 marks   بعد نهاية الراوند

4- round mcq ... 30 marks   بعد نهاية الراوند

5- final written exam...150 marks ... 2 papers
      نظام الامتحان هيبقى شورت نوتس

6- final mcq exam ... 60 marks

7- final oral exam ... 30 marks

Total >>> 300 marks

Sejenak bersama kak izzati abdulah zayawi

Sejenak bersama kak Izzati Abdulah Zayawi (edited)

1)opthal nye lect n round kat mana?

dkat dept opthal(dpan kfc nye hospital mata tingkat 2)

2)jadwal dia camna?

lect sejam pastu round sejam..nnti korang pon akan dbahagi kpd 2 group kot A n B..masa lect n round sama cuma tempat berbeza atas bwah je

3)Round opthal camna?

clinical tu nnt doktor ajar la camne nk check mata skali dgn patient,patient yg korg biasa tgk tu nnt akan masuk exam end round n final

4)Dept opthal strict x?
ophthal dia strict utk attendance n labcoat,ada doctor yg xbg masuk if xde labcoat,sape yg xcukup attendance xleh masuk end round exam,attendance biasanya ada makcik yg akan ambil plg lmbt 15 minutes dari waktu LECTURE mula so sape dtg lmbt lepas tu x kira dah attendance.

5)study guna ap?
buku gamaah je

6)commed camna?
lecture SAHAJA spanjang tahun ad,clinical/round tu mula bila smpai waktunya(lpas ENT dlam bln 1 gitu)...tempat lect dkat bgunan biasa dulu(dwan kamaludin x silap)

7)nasihat kepada adik jr:

4th year tahun tuk baiki overall gred

Format Ophthalmology 2012-2013

Format Ophthalmology 2012-2013

Methods of assessment:

[Total marks: 250]

1)End of Term: (50 marks)

+Spotting of 20 clinical cases (40 marks)
+ self evaluation and short essay (5 marks).
+ Log book (5 marks)

During the clinical course (6 weeks) the students will be evaluated
through their regular attendance (minimum of 70% attendance) and
active participation is required for validation to enter the exam


Written Exam: (125 marks)
Time of written exam (2.5 hours including MCQs)
Type of written exam: short questions (85 marks).
MCQs(40 marks)

3. Oral, clinical and clinical photos exam : (75 marks)

Oral exam: 25marks
Clinical exam: 30 marks
Clinical photos: 20 marks

Logbook Ophthalmology


Sunday, September 30, 2012

Senarai Nama Pelajar, Tahun 4, 2012-2013

Senarai Nama Pelajar Tahun 4
Sesi Pengajian 2012-2013

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

PARASITOLOGY: Written exam format

marks for written: 75m. passing marks 45m
do past years questions since 5 years ago
25m: MCQ + cross matching (from book + new Qs)
1. 1 case: 5m (from book)
2. short account
3. do as shown between brackets. ex: mention parasitological value 
4. compare
5. route of migration inside body: life cycle inside body
6. scientific name
7. parasitological diagnosis
8. collections. eg: parasites found in muscle biopsy (can refer to tables in practical book. very  very useful)
9. drawings: 2 Qs (label the important parts)
some notes about drawings questions: 

helminths: all diagnosis stage and infective stage
protozoa: all are important (VI)
anthropod: need to know-mouth of glossina, musca, stomoxys, saroptes scabei, mites, aquatic stage of mosquito only (egg, larva, pupa), general characters of each group of arthropods. the rest of the topics are cancelled
trematodes: morphology of adult is cancelled
              morph. of DS and IS is important
cestodes: morph. of scolex is cancelled
         morph. of segments is important
nematodes: only need to know the posterior end and oesophagus of adult morph. of DS

p/s: copied and adapted from AJK's post in fb for our easy reference. contact them directly for further explanation if you find something is confusing or missing here.

credit to Nurfarahin Ekram.

Monday, June 11, 2012


‎1- Inflammation 


2- Neoplasia


3- Bacterial infection


4- Syphilis

Friday, April 20, 2012

PATHOLOGY: Cases for download

p/s: please take note of pictures included in each of the cases as 20 of them will come out in practical exam.


20m-sheet (bleh beli nota kat maktabah valentino, dll dan hafal yg tu je).
30m-pre midterm dan midterm
10m-logbook dan presentation

Total here : 100 markah

lagi 100 markah utk written exam.
terbahagi kpd 2 bahagian :
50 markah utk mcq.(40 soalan dari mcq book,10 soalan baru)
50 markah utk short questions (10 soalan.setiap soalan 5 markah, so 5x10=50 markah)

basic immunology x termasuk dlm short questions ni,msk dlm mcq je.

clinical immunology masuk dlm both mcq dan short question.

Total here : 100 markah

So, overall : 100+100 = 200 markah

RALAT : skill lab dan visual lab maknanya xde markah la.jgn mls nak pergi pulak.ilmu jugak.hehe.

source: Shahrul Azmi

PHARMACOLOGY: Paper 1 model exam

PATHOLOGY: Jars picture with description

tq Kauthar Hana'.

MICROBIOLOGY: Important links

Instrument (FB Medications for Medicine Studying):

Practical revision (by Haziqah):

Culture media (FB Medications for Medicine Studying):

Complete drawings for logbook (Ammar's):

MICROBIOLOGY: Lists for practical exam

1.acid fast bacilli TB in sputum(ziehl neelsen stain)
2.candida in culture by gram stain
3.stap.+gram -ve bacilli in culture by gram stain
4.candida+gram -ve bacilli in culture by gram stain
5.aspergillus in SDA by lactophenol cotton blue(LPB)
6.neisseria in urethral discharge by gram stain
7.candida in SDA by LPB
8.septated hypae by LPB
9.non septated hypae by LPB
10.strep.pneumoniae in sputum by gram stain
11.strep.pyogen in sputum by gram stain
12.stap. in pus by gram stain
13.stap. in culture by gram stain.
14.anthracoid in culture by gram stain
15.diphtheroid in culture by gram stain
16.gram -ve bacilli in culture by gram stain
17.anthracoid+gram -ve bacilli in culture by gram stain.


1.immunofluorescent slide.
2.microtitration plate.
3.bacteriological loop.
4.disposable tissue culture flask(small size)
5.disposable tissue culture flask(large size)
6.disposable tissue culture flask(with tissue culture media)
7.tissue culture bottle
8.tissue culture plate
9.disposable sterile syringe
10.seitz filter
11.blood culture bottle
12.sterile cotton swab
13.disposable sterile container
14.anaerobic jar

1.wasserman test
2.widal test.

‎1. Blood agar slope
2. Blood agar plate
3. Deep agar
4. Nutrient agar slope
5. Nutrient agar plate
6. Loeffler's serum
7. LJ medium
8. Peptone water
9. alpha haemolysis on blood agar
10. beta haemolysis on blood agar
11. NLF on Mac Conkey's medium
12. LF on Mac Conkey's medium
13. LF on CLED
14. NLF on CLED
15. Robertson's cooked meat medium
16. Litmus milk
17. Nutrient broth
18. Chocolate agar plate
19. Chocolate agar slope
20. Mac Conkey's medium
21. CLED
22. Dorset egg medium

Cont. :

1. Aspergillus niger on SDA
2. Proteus swarming on nutrient agar plate
3. Candida on SDA
4. Pseudomonas exopigment onnutrient agar
5. Antibiotic sensitivity test (disc diffusion method)
6. Staph. aureus golden yellow endopigment on nutrient agar plate

MICROBIOLOGY: Skill Lab & Virtual Lab

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


19 May: Pharma written exam  1
22 May: Pharma written exam 2
26 May: MCQ & sheet
29-30 May: Oral

7 June: Microbiology written exam
9 June: Sheet
10-11 June: Oral & practical

19 June: Pathology written exam 1
27 June: Pathology written exam 2
29 June & 1 July: Oral & practical

12 July: Parasitology written exam & MCQ
14 & 17 July: Practical
18 & 21 July: Oral

Monday, April 9, 2012

PARASITOLOGY: Slides lists of Week 1

Lab A

1. Cimex (male)
2. Cimex (Female)
3. Metallic Flies
4. Cimex Egg
5. Cimex Nymph
6. Pediculus Egg
7. Pediculus Humanus (Male)
8. Pediculus Humanus (Female)
9. Pediculus Humanus (Nymph)
10. Phthirus Pubis (Male)
11. Phthirus Pubis (Female)
12. Ctenocephalus canis (Male)
13. Ctenocephalus Canis (Female)
14. Pulex Irritans (Male)
15. Xenopsylla (Female)
16. Xenopsylla (Male)
17. Wing of (Stomoxys)
18. Wing of ( Sarcophage)
19. Wing of (Musca)
20. Wing of (Glossina)
21. Antenna of (Glossina)
22. Antenna of (Sarcophage)
23. Antenna of (Wohlfartia)
24. Antenna of (Stomoxys)
25. Antenna of (Musca)
26 .Larva of Sarcophage
27. Musca Domestica (Larva)
28 .Musca Domestica (Egg)
29 .Mouth Part (Stomoxys)
30. Mouth part(Rostrum)
31. Mouth part (Musca)
32. Musca Respiration of Larva

Lab B

1. Iodamoeba Butshii
2. E.Coli(Cyst)
3. E.Coli (tropozoite)
4. E. Histolytica (Tropozoite)
5. E. Histolytica (Cyst)
6. Soft Tick (Larva)
7. Hard Tick (Larva)
8. Hard Tick (Male)
9. Hard Tick (Female)
10. Giardia Intestinalis
11. Giardia Lambdia
12. Sarcophatic Mite (Male)
13. Sarcophatic Mite (Female)
14,Cyclop (Male)
15. Cyclop (Female)
16. Sand Fly (Male)
17. Sand Fly (Female)
18. Wing of (Culex)
19. Wing of (Anopheles)
20. Anopheles (Male)
21. Anopheles (Female)
22. Egg of (Anopheles)
23. Egg of (Aedes)
24. Egg Raft of Culex
25. Pupa of Moisquito
26. Larva of (Anopheles)
27. Larva of (culex)
28. Larva of (Aedes)
29. Culex (Male)
30. Culex (Female)

Parasitology Lab will be opened for revision only during our respective practical lesson time only-thus for Malaysian students, the lab will be available for us every Sunday 8-10 a.m. See previous post:

Source: Najwa, Azim

MICROBIOLOGY: Slides of practical revision and some info regarding the lab session

slides used by Dr during last week's practical class:

As we have concluded the practical lesson last week, the lab will be opened for students to do our own revision on every working day from 10 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. however, on Tuesday, lab will be available from 8 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.

source: Shahrul Zawawi
tq Azim n Fathi.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

PARASITOLOGY: Slide revisions-schedule

8/4 : arthropod + 1st part of protozoa

15/4 : 1st part of helminth + 2nd part of protozoa

22/4 : final part of helminth + final part of protozoa

Source: Nur Farahin Ekram



source: Azim Hasnan

Sunday, April 1, 2012

PATHOLOGY: Helpful additional books for practical exam

Maktabah Dr.Moslim
Harga 20 LE
Gambar Sildes : Clear/jelas (ade 2 view : satu Naked eye + Microscopic)
Gambar Jars : Sgt jelas (gambar colour mcm di muzium patho)

Maktabah Valentino
Harga 15 LE
Gambar Slides : Clear/jelas
Gambar Jars : Hitam putih/ Tak berapa clear

Source: Asyraf Hafiz


post ini khas untuk group 13 :
- sila isi log book anda ye kawan-kawan :

pg 5 : 15/10/11 - sources of drugs, forms of drugs
22/10/11 - routes of drugs administration
29/10/11 - locally acting drugs
12/11/11 - absorption and distribution of drugs , cases
19/11/11 - drugs administration, drugs elimination, cases

pg 9 : 10/12/11 - demonstration : rabbit's eye ( pharmacology of the eye )
25/2/12 - demonstration : isolated toad's heart , isolated rabbit's intestine

pg 13: 17/12/11- ttt of hypertension
24/12/11- ttt of congestive heart failure
31/12/11- ttt of ischemis heart disease
11/2/12 - ttt of of bronchial asthma
18/2/12 - ttt of peptic ulcer
3/3/12 - ttt of diabetes mellitus
10/3/12 - ttt of thyrotoxicosis
17/3/12 - ttt of acute rheumatic fever
24/3/12 - ttt of diarrhea
31/3/12 - ttt of urinary tract infection
- basics of prescription writing

# mintak maaf sangat kalau ade yang tak lengkap. isi ye kawan-kawan. nanti hari isnin, bawak p klas patho, bagi kat kite ok :)

Source: Ainun Mardhiah.

MICROBIOLOGY: Normal Bacterial Flora LC and till the end.

Yesterday's lecture.

Download on 4shared here.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Jadual Final Exam Tahun 3 Conventional 2011/2012*

*tertakluk kepada perubahan

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Practical Microbiology

----> Dr Ibrahim Samaha

Microb Slide

Microb Encyclopedia

Microb Practical 

cc : Facebook

----> Dr Amr mostafa & Dr Thoraya Mohamed

Microb Practical

Slide Picture 

Type of media : Tak boleh excess link ;(

Media Picture

Collection Part I (a)

Collection Part I (b)

Collection Part II 

Collection III

cc : Facebook 

N/B :
Insyallah ni semua slide,test,dan etc utk practical exam microb. Dan tahniah utk semua pelajar yang telah berjaya buat presentation dengan jayanya  :)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Pathology (Female genital Tract)

Slide Female genital tract (Dr. Mohammad Arafa)

Slide Female genital tract ( Tutor STAR)

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda, maksudnya:
"Siapa yang keluar untuk menuntut ilmu maka ia berjuang fisabilillah hingga ia kembali".

Update PTT

Slide Dr Fatma El-Husseiny (Pathology-Renal)

Slide Case (pathology-CVS)

Slide Case (pathology-Respiration)

Sorry lambat upload. By time nnt akan diupload lagi . Selamat study ;)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Some information about the ongoing tutorial classes held by the departments:


Every Monday, 10-12 p.m.
Venue: The small practical room for group 14
Ongoing topic: Endocrine
Lecturer: Dr Hisham


Every Thursday, 12.30 p.m.
Venue: Pathology Lab
Ongoing topic: GIT
Lecturer: Dr Baseem

All of us are most welcomed to attend the tutorial classes as both Dr Hisham and Dr Baseem are well known for their credibilities. The frequent attendees agreed that the tutorial given does make long and boring lectures in normal classes seem simple and easily understandable. Please refer to the AJKs for any inquiry.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

patho log book index upd8 smpai mnggu lpas


Fatty change liver
Amyloidosis kidney and spleen

Acute diffuse suppurative lung abcess
Fibrinous pleurisy
Chronic suppurative lung abcess

Malunion fracture of femur
Skin scar

Dry gangrene of foot
Moist gangrene of foot
Massive spontaneous Cerebral Hg
Massive pulmonary embolism

TB pyonephrosis
TB Epididymis
TB Lmphyadenitis
Tuberculoma of lung
Chronic Fibrocaseous Pulmonary TB

Hydatid Cyst of Lung
Hydatid Cyst of Spleen
Coarse bilharzial splenomegaly
Bilharzial splenomegaly
Multiple bilharzial polypi of large intestine
Ureteritis cystica

Senile enlarged prostate
Dermoid cyst of ovary

Malignant ulcer of skin
Malignant melanoma of skin
Polypoid carcinoma of UB
Diffuse infiltrating carcinoma of UB and hydroureter
Ulcerative carcinoma of UB (Malignant ulcer)
Infiltrative carcinoma of large intestine
Ulcerative carcinoma of large intestine.

Left ventricular hyperthrophy of the heart
Artherosclerosis of aorta

Lobar pneumonia
Bronchogenic Carcinoma
Atherosclerosis of aorta with ulceration & calcification


Fatty change liver
Hyaline spleen

Acute diffuse suppurative appendicitis
Serofibrinous peritonitis
Allergic nasal polyp

Chronic non-suppurative cholecystitis
Skin scar

Chronic pyelonephritis
Infarction spleen
Chronic venous congestion lung

TB (Lymph node and lung)

Bilharziasis large intestine
Bilharziasis urinary bladder
Actinomyosis (Madura foot)
Hydatid cyst

Cyctic endometrium hyperplasia
Liver cirrhosis
Benigh prostic hyperplasia.

Squamous cell papiloma
Villous adenoma/ columnar cell papilloma
Dermoidcyst/mixed tissue/ teratoma

Capillary hemangioma
Cavernous hemangioma
Carvenous lymphagioma
Benign melanoma

Giant cell tumor
Metastatic adenocarcinoma of liver
Will’s tumor
Metastatic carcinoma of lymph node

patho presentation

Tajuk aktiviti:
>Rheumatic Fever
>Tumor of Kidney
>Pathology of Hypertension
>Cancer Cervix
>Hazards of Smoking
>Endometrial Hyperplasia
>Tumors of Da Lung
>Prostatic Hyperplasia
>Papric Ulcer
>Ovarian Tumor
>Tumors of Stomach
>Testicular Biopsy
>Tumors of Colon
>Thyroid Carcinoma
>Hep C
>Hodgskin Lymphoma
>Liver Cirrhosis
>Non Hodgskin Lymphoma

Pilih nak aktiviti ape,.(1)Poster (2)Presentation (3)Magazine (4)Magazine on Wall..dll

Monday, March 5, 2012


Some information about the ongoing tutorial classes held by the departments:


Every Monday, 10-12 p.m.
Venue: The small practical room for group 14
Ongoing topic: Blood
Lecturer: Dr Hisham


Every Tuesday, 11 a.m.
Venue: Pathology Lab
Ongoing topic: CVS
Lecturer: Dr Baseem

All of us are most welcomed to attend the tutorial classes as both Dr Hisham and Dr Baseem are well known for their credibilities. The frequent attendees agreed that the tutorial given does make long and boring lectures in normal classes seem simple and easily understandable. Please refer to the AJKs for any inquiry.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Sunday, February 19, 2012

PHARMACOLOGY: Easyscore Final Exam Analysis

thank you Mentors for kindly sharing with us the slideshows made for Pharmacology Easyscore last Friday. We really appreciate your hard work in making the final exam analysis and conducting such inspiring program for us, the 3rd year students. Let's succeed together, inshaAllah.

Download on 4shared here.

Friday, February 17, 2012

PATHOLOGY: Jars for download

download on 4shared here.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012



Post ini pasal Easy score STAR yg dianjurkan bawah PCM.

Bayaran 10le per student each subject.
Makanan dan nota tambahan diberikan.

Event : Easy score PHARMACOLOGY
Venue : Dewan Abou-Nagah
Date : 17th February 2012
Time : 8.30am-6pm


  • Kita akan ada beberapa slot sepanjang program.  Slot utk written,practical, roughly tentang oral exam

  • Student akan dibahagikan kepada gp kecil. Mudah utk nk tnya sebarang soklan yg menggusarkan jiwa.
  • Bawak alat tulis and kalau perempuan boleh je solat kat gam'ah.
  • Kalau boleh dtg lah sbb bende ni bukan semua U buat. Mansoura University je buat utk adik2 junior tau. Dan mcm korang tahu lah kan. Mereka2 punyer result gempak2 so amik lah advantange ni. So jom join!
  • Daftar pada Alfian atau Wan Munirah

Dan selamat pulang ke SEKOLAH ;)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mari mari! ;D


syl:ALL general
no Q:60 mcq
syl:renal,autocoid,cvs,ans(yg brkaitn ans exc beta blockers- alpha blokers and centrally actng drugs )
no Q:30 mcq +cross mtch
syl:from beginng to neseria
no of Q:40(30mcq+10 TnF)
duration:50 min
syl:Trematodes, Cestodes, Nematodes.
no of Q:25 short questions

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Jaulah Ke Pharaonic Village

*correction - Terbuka kepada semua pelajar conventional tahun 1, 2 & 3

Log Book - Parasitology

Untuk buku log Parasit, sila isi attendance pada mukasurat 10 -->

1st week: fasciola, fasciolopsis
2nd week: heterophyes, paragonimus

3rd week: schistosoma, snail
4th week: diphyllobothrium, taenia

5th week: hydatid, coenurosis
6th week: hymenolepsis, dipylidium

7th week: ascaris, entrobius
8th week: trichinella, trichocephalus

9th week: hookworm, trichostrongylus