Monday, April 9, 2012

PARASITOLOGY: Slides lists of Week 1

Lab A

1. Cimex (male)
2. Cimex (Female)
3. Metallic Flies
4. Cimex Egg
5. Cimex Nymph
6. Pediculus Egg
7. Pediculus Humanus (Male)
8. Pediculus Humanus (Female)
9. Pediculus Humanus (Nymph)
10. Phthirus Pubis (Male)
11. Phthirus Pubis (Female)
12. Ctenocephalus canis (Male)
13. Ctenocephalus Canis (Female)
14. Pulex Irritans (Male)
15. Xenopsylla (Female)
16. Xenopsylla (Male)
17. Wing of (Stomoxys)
18. Wing of ( Sarcophage)
19. Wing of (Musca)
20. Wing of (Glossina)
21. Antenna of (Glossina)
22. Antenna of (Sarcophage)
23. Antenna of (Wohlfartia)
24. Antenna of (Stomoxys)
25. Antenna of (Musca)
26 .Larva of Sarcophage
27. Musca Domestica (Larva)
28 .Musca Domestica (Egg)
29 .Mouth Part (Stomoxys)
30. Mouth part(Rostrum)
31. Mouth part (Musca)
32. Musca Respiration of Larva

Lab B

1. Iodamoeba Butshii
2. E.Coli(Cyst)
3. E.Coli (tropozoite)
4. E. Histolytica (Tropozoite)
5. E. Histolytica (Cyst)
6. Soft Tick (Larva)
7. Hard Tick (Larva)
8. Hard Tick (Male)
9. Hard Tick (Female)
10. Giardia Intestinalis
11. Giardia Lambdia
12. Sarcophatic Mite (Male)
13. Sarcophatic Mite (Female)
14,Cyclop (Male)
15. Cyclop (Female)
16. Sand Fly (Male)
17. Sand Fly (Female)
18. Wing of (Culex)
19. Wing of (Anopheles)
20. Anopheles (Male)
21. Anopheles (Female)
22. Egg of (Anopheles)
23. Egg of (Aedes)
24. Egg Raft of Culex
25. Pupa of Moisquito
26. Larva of (Anopheles)
27. Larva of (culex)
28. Larva of (Aedes)
29. Culex (Male)
30. Culex (Female)

Parasitology Lab will be opened for revision only during our respective practical lesson time only-thus for Malaysian students, the lab will be available for us every Sunday 8-10 a.m. See previous post:

Source: Najwa, Azim

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