Thursday, September 1, 2011

Dhur Thani : Bengkel Menjawab Soalan Physiology 1st Year

17 August 2011
-Cardiac properties
-Cardiac cycle
-Method of studying cardiac cycle
-Heart Rate

1) Cardiac Properties
> Rhythmicity (Def, Mechanism, Prepotential-Significance)
> Conductivity (Def, Mention factor the conductivity in different part of heart,
AVN (Significance & Characters), Purkinje System )
> Excitability (Def,Mechanism of plateau)
> Contractility (Def, Role controlling myocardial contractility, Starling Law (Def,
Mechanism,Significance), Staircase Phenomena)

2) Cardiac cycle
> Def
>Isometric phase (Isometric Contraction Phase)
>Ejection Phase
>Atrial systole

3) Method studying Cardiac cycle
>J.V.P (Def, Normal wave-Drawing, Abnormal Wave- Cannon wave)
>Arterial pulsation (Mech of Diacrotic notch , Mech of diacrotic wave, Pyhsiological significance,disease- Water Hummer Pulse )
>ECG (Normal ECG, Pyhsiological significance)
>Heart sound (Comparison between 1st and 2nd heart sound)

4) Heart Rate
>Vagal tone (Def, Mechanism, Evidence)
>Reflex controlling in HR (Bainbridge Reflex, Marey's Law)
>Mechanism/ Reg of HR (Blood gases & Chemical)
22 August 2011

Hari ni doctor terus bincang kepada soklan yang keluar masa exam awal..

CVS- 40marks

Part I : Define each of the following (10M)

1. Arterial Pulsation - pg 56
2. Edema - pg 196 - def & type
3. Cannon wave of JVP - pg 54
4. Reactive Hyperemia - pg 156
5. Ejection fraction - pg 112 - formula & value
6. Rhythmicity of heart - pg 13
7. Cardiac reserve - pg 133
8. Loven's Reflex - pg 151
9. Vasomotion - pg 182
10. Starling's Law - pg 35

N/B : Sepanjang doctor mengajar soalan ini, doc bukan sekadar explain tentang definition semata-mata namum mechanism ringkas turut diberikan. Dlm marking scheme mcm tu jugak :D

Part II : Describe the effect of (10marks)

1. Increase VR in COP - pg 119
2. Haemorage on hormonal change - pg 241 . Headline shj dan cukup 4 point.
3.Increase ABP on HR - pg 142
4.Denervation of vasosensory area - pg 169
5.Decrease local PO2 on coronary & pulmonary blood flow -
Ans: Coronary bl flow : Release of VD substance from tissue. Eg: Adenosine
Pulmonary bl flow : Release of VC substance from tissue.
Localized VC of pulomonary capillary

Part III : Mention the mechanism of

1. Phase 2 (Plateau) in ventricular action potential - pg 20
2. Pulse deficit - pg 27
3. Increase HR after arteriolar VD
4. Edema in cases of pregnancy,liver disease
5. Increase ABP with ischemia - Angiotensin Aldosterone System

Part IV : - 10 marks

1.Comparison between Filtering force, Absorping Force And Net force at the arteriole and venuole end of capillary.

2. Comparison between of isometric contraction and ismoetric relaxation ( duration,Intra-ventricular Phase, Aortic Pressure, Ventricular Volume, Heart Sound)

p/s :
> Next class will be respiration class . Dtg lah beramai2. Even doctor ajar bahasa arab tp dpt tahu tactic mcm ne nak tackle soklan :)

>Only 25-30% dr dhur awal akan keluar ke dhur thani nnt.

> Shock hanya def je penting

> Other important question :
- Compare homeometric and heterometric of reg of COP
-Short term reg of ABP
-Special character of coronary circulation
-Regulation of diameter of arterioles
-Nervous reg of HR

>Insyallah doctor suruh study sample yang korang dpt sbb possibility nak keluar untuk dhur thani insyallah tinggi.
24 August 2011

Respiration (25 Mark)

A) Define :

1- Complience work
2- Dyspnea index
*Breathin reserve & Maximun breathin capacity
3- Coefficient of O2 utilization
4- Histotocix hypoxia
5- Tidal CO2

B) Describe effect of :

1- Injection of large doses of adrenaline on respiratory rate.
Effect :
Due to :

2- Decrease surfactant in neonate
Effect :
Due to :

3- Effect of exercise on O2 dissociation curve

C) Compare between Low PO2 & High CO gas

- Artery :
- Venous :

O2 content
- Artery :
- Venous :

% saturation :
Colour of skin :

D) Explain :

1- Mechanism of cough
2- Slight increase in RBC volume in venous return
3- Increase respiratory rate during exercise
4- Decrease breathin work after administration of B2 agonist
5 September 2011

1) Effect of sectioning of cervical sympathetic nerve
answer: Horner's Syndrome

2) Effect of stimulation of autonomic nerves to skin
answer: autonomic supply to somatic structure

3) Types of post ganglionic potential following stimulation of preganglionic nerve fibre
answer: fast EPSP, slow IPSP, slow EPSP, late slow EPSP

4) TYpes of sympathetic VD fibers
answer: coronary muscle, skeletelal muscle, skin in excercise etc.

5) Effect of pelvic nerve innervation
answer: parasympathetic stimulation to urinary bladder, rectum, sex organs

6) Mechanism of denervation sensitivity

7) Describe mechanism of acetylcholine removal
answer: 1)hydrolysis 2)diffusion 3)Reuptake of acetylcholine (ketiga2 process ni describe sikit2 je)

other q's
1) relationship between sympathetic and parasympathetic
2) removal of adrenaline
3) orbelli phenomenon
4) cholinergic and adrenergic receptors
5) electrical and chemical synapse



1) fascilitated diffusion
2) equilibrium potential
3) fick's law of diffusion
4) osmosis
5) laminar blood flow


1) simple diffusion and active transport
carrier protein:

2) ligand gated and voltage gated
mechanism of activation:

blood (dari student arab)

1) enumerate function of plasma protein

2) effect of chronic kidney disease on RBC

3) enumerate function of eosinophil and basophil

4) compare monocyte and neutrophil
life span:

5) effect of administration of salcilate on platelet blood formation

6) enumerate function of platelet

7) compare between thrombin and plasmin
produce by action of:

8) explain how heparin works in body

other q's:

1) mention function of decrease plasma albumin on interstitial fluid

nerve and muscle (dari student arab)

1) describe mechanism of neuromuscular transmission

2) describe mechanism of isometric contraction in skeletal muscle

3) draw and label strength duration curve

4) discuss relation btwn excitability and select change in nerve

5) compare

fast muscle and slow muscle
number of capillaries:
number of mitochondria:
energy obtained:
contraction and relaxation:

smooth muscle action potential and skeletal muscle action potential

1)miniature end potential

3)compare isometric and isotonic contraction

4)discuss ARP
5)enumerate xcitability changes

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