Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Program Anjuran Gamaah


Di bawah ini adalah program-program yang akan dianjurkan oleh pihak universiti.

1. Basic Life Support Programme

* maximum 50 persons per session
* 120l.e per student
* an international european course (the module from europe)
European resuscitation organizations united to establish the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) in 1990 and modified the outlines of the training courses. In the year 2000, the collaboration between resuscitation experts from around the world culminated in the publication of standardised guidelines for CPR(4).
The objectives of EgRC are :
  1. To produce guidelines for BLS and ALS applicable to Egypt.
  2. To conduct a critical review of CPR, paediatric life support and trauma care practice and to advise on updating guidelines.
  3. To design teaching programs suitable for all trainees ranging from the lay public to the qualified physicians.
  4. To promote and encourage appropriate research.
  5. To promote audit of resuscitation practice.
  6. To organize relevant scientific meetings in Egypt.
  7. To promote public and governmental awareness of resuscitation requirements and practice.

2. Intermediate Life Supports (for those who have attended the basic life support)

 -the details will be informed later.

3. Mid Year Vacation Trip (one day trip)

-choose 1 among the following:

a. Alexandria
b. Cairo
c. Giza

4. Mid Year Vacation Trip - Luxor & Aswan

- an annual trip organized by the University.


* sesiapa yang berminat, boleh sertakan nama dan program yang ingin disertai di bawah ini sebelum 19 November 2010

credit to :  medCLICK.blogspot.com

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