salam semua . dah khatam semua buku anatomy ? dah ? bagus2 . tadi dah buka lepas beberapa hari tak buka , dan hari ini tak balik dengan tangan kosong . jumpa important questions . ada dua versi , saya letakkan versi pertama dahulu .
Head & Neck part 1
1) Blood & nerve supply of scalp xx
2) Blood & nerve supply of face & (facial veins) xxxx
3) Buccinator & orbicularis oculi x
4) Posterior triangle xxxx
5) Suboccipital triangle xxxx
6) Sternomastoid (Muscles attached to mastoid) xx
7) Falx cerebri & tentorium cerebelli x
8) Cavernous & superior sagittal sinus (classify sinuses) xxxxx
9) Pituitary gland xx
10) Middle meningeal x
11) Emissary veins xxxx
12) Extraocular muscles nerve & action (eye movements) xxxx
13) Oculomotor x
14) Ophthalmic nerve & artery x
15) Anterior triangle (with its subdivisions) xxxx
16) Carotid sheath x
17) Structures at midline of neck x
18) Parotid gland (relations & nerve & duct) xxxxxx
19) Muscles of mastication xx specially lateral pterygoid & relations ***
20) Mandibular nerve & (Nerves related to mandible) xx
21) Maxillary nerve xxxx
22) Sphenopalatine ganglion xxx
23) Maxillary artery & pterygoid venous plexus x
24) TMJ (type & ligaments & movements) (Ligaments attached to mandible) xx
25) Suprahyoid muscles xxx specially hyoglossus & relations ****
26) Submandibular gland (relations & nerve & duct) xxxxxx
27) Thyroid gland (relations & blood supply) xx
Head & Neck part 2
1) External carotid (lingual & facial & superior thyroid) XXXX
2) Internal carotid X
3) Subclavian A. (vertebral a. & Thyrocervical trunk) XX
4) Internal jugular v. XXXXX
5) Facial, glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory, hypoglossal ns. XXXX
6) Pharynx (constrictors & gaps & plexus) XXXX
7) Larynx (inlet, cavity, membranes, nerves, arteries, lymph, muscles)XXXX
8) Muscles attached to styloid or mastoid X
9) Nose (lateral wall) XXX
10) Tongue (muscles, nerve, lymph)XXXXX
11) Palate (Muscles, nerve supply) X
12) Scalenus anterior & scalene triangle XX
13) Lymph nodes of head & neck
1) Ventral & dorsal aspects of brainstem XX
2) 4th ventricle XXXX
3) Cerebellum (subdivisions & Cerebellar arteries) XX
4) Vertebral & basilar arteries XXXX
5) Interpeduncular fossa & circle of Willis XXX
6) Arterial supply of hypothalamusXX & basal ganglia
7) Epithalamus XXXX
8) 3rd ventricle XXXX
9) Insula XX
10) Commissural fibers
11) Lateral ventricle XX
12) Limbic system XXXXX
13) Arterial supply of cerebral cortex XXXXXX
14) Venous drainage of brain XX
15) Cerebrospinal fluid XXXXX
16) Spinal cord (extent, support & blood supply)XXX
17) Pyramidal & extra pyramidal tract XX
18) Corticopontocerebellar XX
19) Medial longitudinal fasciculus XXXXX
20) Crus cerebri XXXXXX
21) Oculomotor XXXX
22) Syndromes related to the midbrain XXXXXX
23) Cerebellar peduncles- functions –lesions of cerebellum)XXXXXX
24) Cerebellar connections with spinal cord X
25) Thalamus (connections, metathalamus, radiations)XXXXXX
26) Internal capsule (fibers, arterial supply, lesion)XXXXXX
27) Parasympathetic nuclei in brainstemXXXXX
28) Cortical areas of frontal lobe (site,functions, lesions, blood supply)XXX
29) Association areas(site,functions, lesions, blood supply)XXX
30) Speech areas (site, lesion) XXXXXX
ثالثا اللور
Lower Limb
1) venous drainage of L.L (specially) ******great saphenous vein
2) **Femoral triangle & Sheath
3) Sartorius, quadriceps
4) Adductor magnus
5) obturator nerve
6) ********Femoral nerve
7) *******femoral artery & its profunda femoris
8) *******Adductor (Subsartorial canal)
9) Gluteus max.
10) muscles supplied by superior gluteal n
11) Sciatic nerve & muscles supplied by it (Hamstring)
12) greater & lesser sciatic foramina
13) **popliteal fossa
14) **********Popliteal artery
15) *********Lateral popliteal n (Common peroneal) n + injury
16) Extensor retinaculum & origin of structures passing deep to it
17) ***anterior tibial a & n specially the nerve (deep peroneal)
18) cutaneous nerve supply of foot
19) **********Dorsalis pedis A
20) Superficial peroneal n
21) Popliteus m
22) ******Ms in Tendocalcaneous
23) posterior tibial a & n
24) Flexor retinaculum & origin of structures passing deep to it
25) *******lateral plantar a & n (specially the nerve) ok
26) Cruciate ligament*********, iliofemoral, deltoid & spring ligaments
Embryo dia kurang jelas sikit . Apa2 pun saya post juga .
fetal circulation after birth
thyroid gland development & anomalies
tongue development & anomalies
inter atrial septum Develoment & anomalies
limbs Developmemt and anomalies
face & Palte anomalies
Testis descent
1st & 2nd Pharyngeal arches derivatives
Mesonephric duct
Bulbus cordis & Truncus arteriosus
Uterus anomalies
cause & features of:
horseshoe kidny
spina bifida
Fallot ` s Tetraology
head & neck
lateral & medial pterygoid muscles
Digastric muscles
hyoglossus muscle
muscles of the eye & movements
facial nerve
Vagus nerve
maxillary nerve
glossopharyngeal nerve
hypoglossal nerve
mandibular nerve
lingual artery
middle meningeal artery
vertebral artery
ext carotid artery
facial vein
internal jugular vein
emissary vein
posterior triangle
cavernous sinus
suboccipital triangle
pituitary gland ( relations & blood supply )
thyroid gland ( relations & blood supply )
parotid gland ( relations & nerve supply & structures inside & parotid duct )
submandibular gland ( relations & nerve suppy & Duct )
larynx ( inlet cavity - nerve & art supply - lymph )
tongue ( ext muscles - nerve supply - Art supply - lymph )
pharynx s( constrictors - GAPs -pharyngeal plexus )s
lower limb
popliteal artery
great saphenous nerve
profunda femoris artery
femoral artery
anterior tibial artery
Deep peroneal nerve
femoral nerve
lateral planter nerve
adductor ( subsartorial ) canal
cruciate ligament
femoral sheath
greater & lesser sciatic foramen
extensor retinaculum
deltoid ligament
internal capsule ( fibers content -blood supply -lesion )
lateral medullay syndrome
4th vetricle
CSF ( production - circulation drainage (
thalamic radiation ( origin - location - lesion )
cerbral cortex blood supply
limbic system ( component & functions
cortical areas مهمة جداااااااااااااا
spinal cord